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Alolan Dugtrio Deck is amazing for a Pokemon Budget deck!

Writer's picture: geekoutindustriesgeekoutindustries

I was running around today trying to get all my codes up loaded into PTCGO just to get more Alolan Dugtrios from Ultra Prism set, I only drew 2... I needed 4.. But any way this is the deck I ran with. The full deck I'd like to run will be up on this sunday.

Please keep in mind this is a budget and on my poketube channel a budget deck in a deck that cost less than £50/$60, ideally no more than £40/$50.

Pokemon 19

2x Alolan Diglet SUM

4x Alolan Dugtrio UPR

3x cutie fly BUS

3x ribommbie BUS

2x oranguru SUM

1x Mr. Mine BKT

2x Staryu CIN

2x Starmie EVO

Trainers 26

3x Professor Sycamore BKP

2x Mt. Coronet UPR

4x Professor's letter BKT

2x Rescue stretcher GRI

2x Brigette BKT

2x skylar BKT

3x cynthia UPR

1x N FTC

2x Energy recycler GRI

2x Guzma BUS

3x Ultra ball SUM

Energy 13

13x Metal energy

A Tapu lele GX would of gone along way and i'd prefer more more Alolan Dugtrios, but there weren't may decks that could even handle this low powered version.

Oranguru was worked well in getting me more energy when I needed it as I'd draw a prof sycamore or cythina a few times.

So far I've played 3 and won 3, haven't have a meta deck yet, so look out for this sundays budget pokemon deck episode on my YouTube Channel.

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